Feb 13, 2015
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
Show Notes:
FIDO project - Dr Melody Jackson, Georgia Tech | melody@cc.gatech.edu | fido.gatech.edu
White House Marks Passage Of ABLE Act - Disability Scoop http://buff.ly/1AYf7yI
Wearable technology is redefining what it means to be disabled - Fortune http://buff.ly/199xTXW
A remarkable way for the visually impaired to sample the masterpieces - The Washington Post http://buff.ly/1z7WhiN
John Effinger's IOS AAC APPs Survey http://buff.ly/1yhleHe
App: ToDoNumber Matrix www.BridgingApps.org
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