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Assistive Technology Update - A fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts

Apr 24, 2020

Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Show Notes:
Present Pal on the web:
On Twitter: @presentpal_
Also look for Chris and Present Pal on LinkedIn
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Apr 17, 2020

Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Show Notes:
Also check them out on Facebook, twitter and Instagram.
Web accessibility webinar info: 

Apr 10, 2020

Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Show Notes:
Find out more at:
Email Igor at:

Apr 3, 2020

Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Show Notes:
For More information check out: