Jan 6, 2012
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
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National Braille Press, interview with Brian Mac Donald (www.NBP.org)
Voice Recognition Technology Helps People with Disabilities - Disaboom http://bit.ly/tHIgiH
Wearable Robots Help Paralyzed Warriors Walk Again | Fox News http://fxn.ws/tRcE9N
Start-to-Finish Accessible Book Collection Opens the World of Classic Literature http://bit.ly/wo0Ti6
Does iOS Spell S.O.S. for Portable Magnifiers Like the Amigo? http://bit.ly/zM5Ipp
1001 Super Tools for Teachers http://bit.ly/rTpenP
Project Endeavor > Home http://bit.ly/yywPpd
iPhone / iPad Apps for Magnification and Vision Support : Spectronics - Inclusive Learning Technologies http://bit.ly/rZp5HP
INDATA app list: http://bit.ly/qXjrpc
If you have an AT question, leave us a voice mail at: 317-721-7124 or email tech@eastersealscrossroads.org
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