Jul 3, 2015
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
Show Notes:
Access Sport America with Nate Berry www.AccesSportAmerica.org
The Real-Life Dangers of Augmented Reality http://buff.ly/1GO1sbB
Michigan's Braille and Talking Book Library brought home a national award from Library of Congress http://buff.ly/1JwOTrc
'It’s a beautiful, simple, little project:' Brightly coloured wooden ramps coming to Calgary businesses http://buff.ly/1JwOmpk
W3C prepping technical report on mobile accessibility http://buff.ly/1JwOpRY
11 Stupid Backup Strategies http://buff.ly/1NwRQpQ
App: FEMA www.BridgingApps.org
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
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