Oct 26, 2012
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
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Show Notes:
Daniel Smrokowski - Special Chronicles Podcast (www.SpecialChronicles.com)
Everything Apple Announced At Today’s iPad Mini Event [Mega-Roundup] | Cult of Mac http://bit.ly/S4ugqE
Hearing aid you wear on your back teeth could help those deaf in one ear | Mail Online http://bit.ly/S4rIJg
The New iPad for the Visually Impaired http://bit.ly/RBYajj
Apple v Android: the winner is… the disabled community | Media network | Guardian Professional http://bit.ly/RBWFlk
Assistive Technology Vendors Partner to Promote Accessible Instruction for all | Atomic Learning Blogs http://bit.ly/QNdYxZ
Art of apps to help blind in galleries | This is Kent http://bit.ly/PMgZUB
App: iDress For Weather - www.BridgingApps.org
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
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The pleasure was all mine, Daniel. Thank you!
Wade, Thanks for the awesome interview on your podcast! The editing that you did was really good. Keep up the great work with your show.