Oct 9, 2015
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
Show Notes:
iOS9 and it’s impact on people with disabilities | Luis Perez |
ATCoalition News - Free Webinars http://buff.ly/1VBKsle
Mydario | Manage Diabetes | Turn your Smartphone into your Glucose
Meter http://buff.ly/1hox5SH
Watch "Insulin Injection Pen Uses Bluetooth Smart, Energy
Harvesting" Video at Engineering TV http://buff.ly/1Q4YBAN
Could Robots Help Unlock the Mystery of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
App Access World www.AppleVis.com
Blog/website: www.luisperezonline.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/lfperez72
Instagram: lfp1211
Twitter: @_luisfperez
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
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