Jun 5, 2015
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
Show notes:
Google’s Project Tango with George Takahashi & Dan Anderson, Purdue University
Wunderlist's Watch app is now better than ever, and its iOS app gets enhanced accessibility -- AppAdvice http://buff.ly/1Q9GT38
FCC Chairman Wheeler Honors Innovators in Accessibility Communications http://buff.ly/1M7H8oZ
RESNA Position Paper on the Use of Evacuation Chairs: http://buff.ly/1Q9CFIK
Apps help deaf cinema-goers hear movies http://buff.ly/1Q9BWXX
App: Tom Tap Speak - www.BridgingApps.org
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
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