Jun 15, 2012
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Apple Vis (Scott Davert) www.AppleVis.com
Apple Announces More Accessibility For iOS | WebProNews http://bit.ly/LyAsCG
Q&A: Insignia™ - Narrator Advanced HD Radio with Radio Reader Service - NS-CLHD01 http://bit.ly/K1KOI8 | http://bit.ly/K1KUQ0
App Store - Sorenson BuzzCards http://bit.ly/K1L5eh
Apple - iOS 6 Preview http://bit.ly/K1MIZq
Epub 3 is all about accessibility: http://bit.ly/L52hnc
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
Indiana Assistive Technology Blog http://bit.ly/ohR37p
INDATA app list: http://bit.ly/qXjrpc
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