Feb 24, 2012
ATU039 - Job Accommodation Network (Dr. Beth Loy), Braille Smartphone interface, A Car For The Blind, Accessible Event, Apple OSX Mountain Lion Acessibility
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Job Accommodation Network (Dr. Beth Loy)
www.askjan.org 800-526-7234 TTY: 877-781-9403
App Store - Dropophone http://bit.ly/zZYxzA
New phone technology may give voice to deaf in real-time http://bit.ly/xSjKm2
Georgia Tech iPhone App Could Help Blind Users Text - Slashdot http://bit.ly/w8eIbt
Create a car for the blind | Technology Blog http://bit.ly/wF7Lkj
Deaf, hard of hearing callers will be able to text message 911 http://bit.ly/w0l0U3
The Carroll Center for the Blind Receives Grant for Addition of New Apple Training Lab http://bit.ly/xNkJfK
PCS™ High Contrast | Mayer-Johnson http://bit.ly/z3Kw0r
AAC Apps Assistant: AAC TechConnect http://bit.ly/wE2iBR
Assistive technology solutions fact sheet http://bit.ly/z87vyo
Accessible Event http://bit.ly/wKHO4i
Ten exciting system changes in Mountain Lion | Macworld http://macw.us/A7PhjU
Indiana Assistive Technology Blog http://bit.ly/ohR37p
INDATA app list: http://bit.ly/qXjrpc
If you have an AT question, leave us a voice mail at: 317-721-7124 or email tech@eastersealscrossroads.org
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