Oct 5, 2012
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Autie Angel (www.Facebook.com/pushgirls | www.SundanceChannel.com/pushgirls)
Accessability Indiana (www.abilityIndiana.org)
AAC TechConnect Creates Tools That Simplify Augmentative and Alternative Communication Evaluations « ConnSENSE Bulletin http://bit.ly/QPbMdf
‘Video game’ teaches blind people to navigate buildings http://bit.ly/PnBeTS
Join Us for a Technology and Autism Webinar Series | Blog | Autism Speaks http://bit.ly/PsYDDA
New Features for Assistive Touch in IOS 6 - YouTube http://bit.ly/PP1erz
Better Accessibility, Better SEO http://bit.ly/PGmz6m
Apple App Store updated with VoiceOver updates for iOS | The Droid Guy http://bit.ly/PGjAL6
Kansas City man teaches others to use new technology without ever seeing it http://bit.ly/U0LR5i
AppleVis | NFB Newsline Mobile
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Indiana Assistive Technology Blog http://bit.ly/ohR37p
INDATA app list: http://bit.ly/qXjrpc
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