Jan 30, 2015
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
AT Lending Libraries with John Effinger Program Coordinator with Missouri Assistive Technology www.ATAPorg.org | john.effinger@att.net
Tattoo-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring: A Proof-of-Concept Study - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications) http://buff.ly/1tqvvoI
iPad App Brings Braille Keyboard to Blind Users' Fingertips | WIRED http://buff.ly/1wATYTh
Microsoft HoloLens | Official Site http://buff.ly/1wASOHo
See Microsoft's new HoloLens in action - CNN Video http://buff.ly/1CMsEbY
Microsoft HoloLens | Official Site http://buff.ly/1wASOHo
BBC News - Smartphones make deaf life easier but at the expense of what? http://buff.ly/1y5ewoB
Windchimes at Texas A&M - http://buff.ly/1v46uko
Superbowl Accessibility Interview: http://buff.ly/1Ep2zl4
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
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