Apr 6, 2012
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.
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Nikol Prieto and Anne Carpenter from the INDATA Project (www.EasterSealsTech.com), LisaMaria Martinez from the LightHouse (www.http://lighthouse-sf.org/), Teri Whitaker from AccessAbility (www.http://abilityindiana.org/)
Prize-Winning App Helps Users Spot Accessible Places - Disability Scoop http://bit.ly/HeYJJZ
ADA Comparison Guides - New England ADA Center - http://bit.ly/HeYVsp
TSA: Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions http://1.usa.gov/HeZiDj
Facebook Timeline: overcoming accessibility barriers | Media Access Australia http://bit.ly/Hf0cQo
5 Websites To Instantly Convert Text To Speech http://bit.ly/Hf14o1
Q&A: App Store - X10 Commander http://bit.ly/HfbvrO
Q&A: Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for E-mail: www.nuance.com/ucmprod/groups/dragon/@web/documents/collateral/nc_008226.pdf http://bit.ly/Hfcb0g
From cell phone to iPhone - Daniel Saynuk -- Blind iPhone User http://bit.ly/HfbCUi
Beam Brush toothbrush app tracks how good you are at oral care « Iconowatch http://bit.ly/HfbSCK
Google self-driving car takes blind man Steve Mahan to Taco Bell in YouTube video http://bit.ly/Hfd0Gy
Bus hailing kits for visually impaired commuters - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) http://bit.ly/H8ugNj
Listen 24/7 at www.AssistiveTechnologyRadio.com
Indiana Assistive Technology Blog http://bit.ly/ohR37p
INDATA app list: http://bit.ly/qXjrpc
If you have an AT question, leave us a voice mail at: 317-721-7124 or email tech@eastersealscrossroads.org
Check out our blog: http://blog.eastersealstech.com
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